Some of Greggs ancient coin collection
Widows Mite Bronze coin of Pontius Pilate, Roman Prefect of Silver shekel. Judas was paid with
Judea 26 - 36AD. This coin -- 31AD 30 of these for betraying Jesus
Some Bibles from Greggs collection
Greggs 1st Bible from 1983 A Geneva Bible. The Geneva Bible was mainly used King James Bible from 1638
throughout the 1500's during the time of Queen Elizabeth
and was the most popular translation
in its day, before the King James in 1611
The Great Bible. Created by orders from King Henry the 8th
and chained to the pulpits of many churches. Before this, the Bible was not allowed to be read by the common people under the Catholic Church, so, to "stick it to" the Catholic Church, King Henry started the Church of England and said this Great Bible would be available to anybody, (though most were illiterate and would have to had it read to them)